Acosta – helicopter crash during high speed chase. Guilty. 13
Alvarez – drugs & guns go together. Hotel deal. Guilty. 42
Anderson – Bf stabs daughter, not premeditated (factors). 17
Anderson – abortion referral, spoke/wheel. Guilty. 42
Arzon – couch fire caused by Arzon, nontraceable 2nd fire kills firefighter. Guilty. 13
Balint – opium & coca leaves, unknown to distributor. SL. Policy. 11
Berry – waits for V in apt 20 hours. Could increase “heated blood” under flex.
Blake – long history of erratic behavior and mental problems. Jail release. Waitress
informant. Bank robbery. Cognitivie and volitional prongs of insanity. 52.
Booneville – CA. carrying rifle in field, arrested before raised. No equivocality. 32.
Borelli – criticizes simplicification of conspiracy shapes in modern drug
transactions. 43.
Brawner – DC evidence allowed to show no MR, especially to reduce murder. 55.
Bridges – 16th birthday. Guilty. Foreseeability. Gets rid of “within the scope of
conspiracy” from Pinkerton but preserved “in furtherance of” prong. 41.
Bruno – 2 separate retailors. Still chain. 43.
Canola – V shoots cofelon. D not guilty. Agency theory. 22
Carrol – nagging wife, shot in sleep. Premeditated. No time too short. 16.
Cassasa – bathtub killer, no EED, not reasonable
Cheek – no taxes. Guilty. Must exercise reasonable care in ascertaining ruth, or else
willful. Must be good faith misunderstanding. 46.
Clark – paranoid schizo shoots police officer during traffic stop. Mott discussion.
Evidence types. Does not allow evidence of DC in MR, only in insanity. 55.
Cunningham – asyphixiation of mother in law. Malice does not required
wickedness, but rather is intent or recklessness. 9.
Davis – insanity factors. 1897. 51.
Deitsch – warehouse fire kills because storage material blocked fire escape. No
determined cause of fire. Guilty. 13
Diza – nexus b/w D’s role and coconspirator’s illegal conduct. 42
Dotterweich – incorrect labels, given by manufacturer. SL. Policy. 11
Dougherty – no jury instruction revealing power to nullify. But courts inherently
acknowledge the power of the jury to nullify. 3.
Duke – undercover chat room sex bust. No overt act. 33.
Durham – product rule in insanity. 51.
Eagleton – to not be preparation, must be “last step” able to take on road of criminal
intent. 33.
Fischer – college kid. Thought no meant yes. No reasonable mistake defense for
rape. Williams standard applies. Penn is SL. 29.
Fleming – drunk driving 100mph. implicit malice aforethought. 21.
Forrest – terminally ill father in hospital. Guilty. 17.
Girouard – verbal abuse not sufficient to qualify as provocation. 18.
Gladstone – undercover marijuana deal. Must be nexus b/w MR and AR. Stake or
interest. Knowledge not sufficient. 36.
Goetz – subway killing. Reasonableness supposed to be objective. 47.
Guthrie – dishwasher. Unstable. Not premeditation. Time necessary. 17.
Hall – reckless ski instructor.manslaughter. RP in actor’s position. 19.
Harper – bill trap. Fails equivocality. 32.
Hazel – in Rusk. Resistance or fear. 26.
Hicks – cowboys. die like a man. Must have intent to further the crime. 35.
Hofus – no need for jury unanimous agreement as to what was the subst. step. 32.
Hood – Drunk. Shoots cop in legs. VI not defense to GI, only SI. 54.
Interstate Circuit – tacit agreement conspiracy. Factors. 41.
Jackson – robbery conspiracy. First time abandoned. Substantial step. Guilty. 32.
Jones – child abuse by mother, in home of nonfamilial relation. No duty. 8.
Kelly – removes oak fireplace. Mistake of fact. Good faith. 45.
Kern – whites chase blacks with bats. Hit by car. Guilty. 14.
King – transporting cocaine, helicopter crash. No link to illegality of conduct. 21
Kotteakos – fraudulent housing loans. Same agent. Spokes unrelated. 42.
Kuntz – BF attacks, GF stabs, doesn’t call medical help. Not guilty. 8.
Lane – victim’s alcoholism-related brain edema. 13.
Lauria – CA. call girl service. Knowledge plus intent. 41.
Liberta – marital rape exception. Guilty. 25.
Lovely – exception to general rule that rape does not cover non-physical coercion. 25
Luparello – CA. tries to locate former lover. N&P consequences. Guilty. 37.
Lyons – drug addiction not mental disease, unless changes physical makeup. No
more volitional prong. 52.
Maher – shoots lover in forest. Manslaughter. No aforethought. 18.
Main – car accident, neck injury, Poice doesn’t aid. Not superseding. 14.
Malone – Russian roulette, no remorse. 60%. Depraved heart. 20
Marrero – peace officer interpretation. Hand gun. Guilty. Policy. 46.
McCoy – CA. drive by shooting, P acts in self defense. Defense not available to D, as
accomplice. 37.
McDermott – insider trading. Porn star. Scope of connections. Not guilty of
connection with NJ business man. 43.
McQuirter – black, stalking, attempt of rape, racist testimonies. Consider social
conditions and customs when determining prep v attempt. No test. 31.
McVay – captain of steamer. Explosion. Liability for result when you act with SAME
MR as principal. Negligent homicide as a possibility. 36.
M’Naghten – CA approach. Nature and quality, or did not know act was wrong. 51.
Morisette – bombcases, sold to junkyard. Not guilty of conversion. “knowingly.” Not
guilty. 11
MTS – V must affirmatively and freely consent. Nonconsent is presumption. Burden
on D. 27.
Norman – battered wife. Severe. Torture. Dragged out of police office. 48.
Olson – 14 year old in trailor. SL. 45.
Peterson – windshield wipers. Retreat possible. Not in danger of death. 49.
Phillips – chiropractor. Inherently dangerous limitation to F-M. not guilty. 22.
Pinkerton – brothers, one in jail. Overt act of one partner is overt act of ALL, even without new agreement specifically directed to the act. CA follows. 40.
Pope – D takes in mom possessed by god, kills child. No duty. Policy. 8.
Prince – man takes girl under 16 from father. SL. Moral test. 45.
Raines – intent to kill when man shot through drivers window. Magnitude of risk
was certain. In Smallwood. 31.
Richards – hitmen, but V escapes without seirous injury. 37.
Rizzo – robbers searching streets for specific victim. Never find him. Not guilty. 33.
Roe – Russian Roulette. Remorse immaterial. Depraved = known degree risk to life.
Root – 2 racing. Deceased crossed median to pass. No proximate cause. 14.
Rusk – meet at bar. Takes car keys. The look. Light choking. Hazel rule. 26.
Serne – insurance, house fire, disabled son’s death. Malice aforethought implicit
when act is eminently dangerous. 20.
Sherry –...