Purpose vs. Text
Implied Exceptions into Generally Worded Statutes:
(1) Imaginative Reconstruction: use purpose to resolve ambiguity, some do ad hoc
Riggs: legislature would have included slayer exception in wills statute
Church of the Holy Trinity: legislature couldn’t have wanted to restrict importing preachers
Speluncean (Foster): legislature didn’t consider this situation
(2) Fundamental Maxims of the Common Law: debate over whether it resolves ambiguity, or can contradict clear language of statute
Riggs: read nullus commodum into will statute to prevent slayers inheritance
Speluncean (Easterbrook): murder statute accommodates justification defenses
(3) Presumption Against Absurdity:
Church of the Holy Trinity: it would be absurd to restrict importing preachers
U.S. v. Kirby: mail interference statute can’t prevent arresting mailman murderer
Drafting Errors
(1) How to diagnose?
NELSON: if plain meaning is so odd that it is idiosyncratic, absurd, or nonsensical
Disagreement regarding certainty:
Locke: Marshall & Stevens disagree over threshold (“prior to 12/31”)
Amalgamated Transit: majority and Bybee disagree regarding certainty of whether “less” establishing a waiting period
Green v. Bock Laundry: Scalia “d” = “criminal d,” otherwise text doesn’t make sense
(2) Should you correct them? (see CAFA)
Spivey: diagnosed error in “less” establishing waiting period, did not correct it because of notice
Amalgamated Transit: diagnosed the same error AND corrected
See Presumption of Consistent Usage carrying idiosyncratic meaning elsewhere
Rules vs. Standards
Schauer: more rule-like means less room to use purpose in interpretation, more standard-like allows for more purpose
Jaskolski: (Easterbrook) courts should not change congress’ rules into standards with purpose (but see Easterbrook in Speluncean – reads background principles to change murder rule into more standard w/justification defenses)
Conflict between canons: most start with ordinary meaning, Nelson thinks descriptive trump normative, Llewellyn says they conflict so much as to be useless
Ordinary Meaning: common use of words, through dictionary, corpus analysis (media), etc. Whether it is used in a statute is a question of context
Term of Art: technical meaning in a field. Acquired through prior meaning in the law (e.g., CL and “seamen”), field, etc.
Noscitur a Sociis: a word is known by its companions
Jarecki: “discovery” in mining statute list only means for mineral resources
Maracich: “civil . . . proceeding” in DMV statute does not include lawyers soliciting clients for class action
See also Babbitt v. Sweet Home (harm endangered species), Gregory v. Ashcroft (judge retirement), Gustafson v. Alloyd Co. (prospectus), Yates v. U.S. (“tangible objects” fish)
Ejusdem Generis: generic catch-all at end of list is limited by items in the list
1st Cir.: weaker when general comes first (NELSON disagrees)
Circuit City: “any other class” only covers employees in transportation industries
Different from Last Antecedent and Series Qualifier Rules which address modifiers w/ lists
Presumption of Consistent Usage: legislatures use words the same way
See also in pare materia, interpretative statutes
Gustafson v. Alloyd Co. (prospectus)
Presumption Against Superfluity: don’t read ambiguous term to make other superfluous
See also Church of Holy Trinity (statute exempting artists, etc. from “labor/service”), Yates (if Kagen dissent correct, “other documents” is superfluous)
NELSON: congress may put redundancies in to remove doubt, e.g., Marx (removing doubt), Texas Department of Housing (assured safe harbor)
Expressio Unius: if a statute expresses one exception it implies the exclusion of others
NELSON: weak, overcome by showing congress assumed the exception exists
Marx: to use, must be fair to suppose Congress considered the unnamed possibility and meant to say no
NELSON: apply only when descriptive ones fail to clarify meaning, and must make ad hoc decision between 2+ permissible meanings
Rule of Lenity: intractable ambiguities are read to make penal law more lenient
Applies to interpretation of statutes that bear on civil and criminal penalties
Muscarello: justices disagree if “carry” is sufficiently ambiguous to trigger
Bailey: “uses . . . firearm” read narrowly, not explicitly lenity
Constitutional Canons
Savings Canon (Constitutional): if 1 of 2 permissible readings is unconstitutional choose the constitutional reading
Bidirectional over time, but see South-Eastern Underwriters (“commerce” took later more broad meaning)
Canon of Avoidance: either (1) narrow – avoid constitutional questions when calls statute constitutionality into question, or (2) broad – avoid constitutional questions even if statute constitutionality not in question
Bidirectional over time
NLRB v. Catholic Bishop: generally worded statute read to avoid 1A question of whether catholic school teachers must be able to collective bargain
Presumption of Severability: presume unconstitutional applications are severable from constitutional applications
Presumption Against Absurdity: see implied exceptions, drafting errors
Implied Limitation Canons
Presumption Against Extraterritoriality: (RJR Nabisco) look at each element of the statute to determine. Charming Betsey is the strongest version – can’t regulate conduct in other nations
(1) whether the presumption is overcome, and
EEOC v. Aramco (employment discrimination):: (majority) text doesn’t overcome vs. (dissent) weaker form given conduct being regulated is overcome by negative implication of exception, and Charming Betsey doesn’t apply bc U.S. company and employees
Morrison: (bank purchase mortgage co) needs clear text to overcome, no imaginative reconstruction
(2) whether the application would be extraterritorial
New York Central Railroad: choice of law says it’s a Canadian tort (Nelson likes)
Morrison: no relevant contract in U.S. (Aussie bank and shares)
RJR Nabisco (RICO): provisions analyzed piece-by-piece (enterprise, predicate acts, PCOA)
Presumption Against Retroactivity:
(1) Retroactive effects?
Landgraf (civil rights act remedies): does provision attaches new legal consequences to pre-enactment acts. Scalia concurrence –about whether regulates pre-enactment conduct
Vartelas: (criminals excluded from U.S> entry) shows how Scalia’s conduct regulating approach (dissent) differs from legal consequences approach (majority)
(2) Presumption overcome?
Landgraf: negative inferences not sufficient to overcome
Rivers: congress overriding a previous SCOTUS construction does not imply that the new construction must apply to cases before congressional override
Lindh: negative inference from one section explicitly applying retroactively can mean all others don’t, strengthening presumption
See also Presumption Against Implied Repeals
See also Specific/General Canon
Last Antecedent Rule: modifiers only modify nearest list element unless evidence otherwise
Evidence to overcome: purpose, nonsense reading, comma, other grammatical/contextual clues
Series Qualifier Rule: modifiers before or after a “straightforward list of nouns/verbs” overcomes last antecedent rule
Judson: (majority) lack of comma means the rule holds; (dissent) amendment history implies otherwise and overcomes the rule
Lockhart: (majority) context confirms LAR – “minor or ward” only modifies nearest element; (dissent) legislative history & contexts overcomes LAR
Reenactment Canon
Presumption Against Disrupting Federal/State Balance (hybrid)
Chevron (hybrid after decision, normative before)
Presumption Against Preemption (normative)
Legislative History
Modern Approach
Constitutional? (Scalia/Manning) No because bicameralism and presentment problems. (Segal) Yes because it glosses the statute.
NELSON: can use LH in non-binding way to resolve otherwise intractable ambiguity. Cannot supply legal directives like in Train v. Colorado PIRG
INS v. Chadha: one-house veto invalid because no bicameralism and presentment
Arguments: Pro – LH helps get at intended meaning through communicative intent, narrows range of possible meanings. Con – no consensus, judges are good at discerning between collective and individual intent, broadens range of possible meanings, increases judicial costs, reduces notice, not using LH makes congress clearer.
Historical Usage: in the past was used heavily so as to require intended application (not just intended meaning – Boutilier “psychopathic personality” and gays), and even trumped clear language (United Steelworkers “because of his race” and affirmative action training program)
Hierarchy of Sources:
Hierarchy of LH: Committee Reports, Congressional Record, Hearing Transcripts/Witness Statements, Presidential Signing Statements, Post-Enactment LH, Drafting History
Scalia: (1) four corners of statute, (2) linguistic/syntactical/drafting conventiosn from time of enactment, (3) legal context, (4) Historical context, (5) public history of statute (e.g., amendments)
LH & Canons
Rule of Lenity: (U.S. v. R.L.C.) (Scalia Concurrence) RoL trumps LH because (1) LH isn’t sufficient notice & (2) Congress must define exactly what’s illegal vs. (plurality) no categorical rule with LH and RoL
Clear Statement Rules:
Can Overcome: Green v. Bock Laundry (Scalia concurrence says overcomes P against Absurdity); Landgraf (majority says can trump P against Retroactivity)
Cannot Overcome: Atascadero State...