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Law Outlines Civil Procedure Outlines

The Plaintiff's Complaint Outline

Updated The Plaintiff's Complaint Notes

Civil Procedure Outlines

Civil Procedure

Approximately 56 pages


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  1. Complaint – FRCP 3, 8(a), 8(d), 9–11

    1. Synthesized Rule/Procedure

      1. Π initiates a lawsuit with the complaint, which must provide Δ with fair notice of the claims against her.

    2. Textual Rule

      1. Timeline: the lawsuit begins when Π files a complaint with the court. FRCP 3.

      2. Contents: the complaint must contain a short and plain statement of jurisdiction, the pleader’s entitlement to relief, and demand for relief sought. FRCP 8(a).

      3. Affirmative Defenses: Δ* must affirmatively state any of the following defenses in its pleading: estoppel, res judicata, statute of limitations, waiver, and other affirmative defenses (e.g. contributory negligence). FRCP 8(c).

      4. Pleading Special Matters: the standard for, e.g., fraud, is higher. See, supra, at General Rules of Pleadings.

      5. Format: must be titled 7(a)(1), “a complaint”; the title must name all of the parties. FRCP 10(a).

      6. Representations to the Court: the accuracy of the complaint is governed by FRCP 11, see, supra, at General Rules of Pleadings.

      7. Amendments: a complaint may later be amended. FRCP 15.

      8. Nonjoinder: Π must state the name of any necessary Θ not joined. FRCP 19(c).

    3. Analysis

      1. Contents

        1. Twombly “Factual Grounds” Standard (2007)

          1. FRCP 8(a) requires “fair notice” and factual “grounds” for the claim, because discovery is so expensive. Grounds need not be specific, but must be enough to suggest that the case is plausible and that the allegations are not merely “conclusory.” Bell Atl.

          2. Iqbal: FRCP 8(a) requires sufficient factual matter to draw legal conclusions that a claim for relief is plausible on its face; court should be able to make a reasonable inference that Δ is liable. Ashcroft.

            1. The difference between “well-pleaded” and “conclusory” is context-specific. Ashcroft.

        2. Conley “Notice Pleading” Standard (1957)

          1. All FRCP 8(a) requires is “notice pleading,” made possible by a liberal use of discovery. Unless complaint itself demonstrates that Π can’t prove facts justifying relief, complaint is OK. Conley.

          2. Swierkiewicz: FRCP 8(a) does not need to meet an evidentiary burden of production, which is reserved for FRCP 56 (summary judgment). Swierkiewicz.

          3. Π may only sue when there is “ripeness,” i.e. an actual controversy in which Π has “standing.”

      2. Affirmative Defenses

        1. Π may be required to plead an affirmative defense (e.g. “I did not pay the bill, but it was not noticeable.” See, infra, at Answer.

      3. Format

        1. A too-long complaint (e.g. 392 pages) would be unfair to Δ, who might accidentally admit something by not responding to it, Mendez v. Graham (D.N.J. 2002),

          1. but verbosity is not a basis by itself for dismissing a complaint, Hearns v. San Bernadino Police Dept. (9th Cir. 2008).

        2. A novelized complaint also is not “simple, concise, and direct.” McHenry v. Renne (9th Cir. 1996).

    4. Cases

      1. Bell Atl. Corp. v. Twombly (U.S. 2007, 179): Π pleaded that Δ restrained trade. Only evidence was parallel conduct and a statement by a CEO. S.D.N.Y. dismissed; 2d Cir. used Conley standard that dismissal required “no facts” could prove Π’s claim. S.D.N.Y.’s standard was correct: since the allegation was conclusory and alleged no grounds for a plausible claim, the complaint was insufficient.

        1. Stevens, J., dissenting: plausibility is the wrong standard because Δ’s conduct is plausibly violative of the law. Conley was meant to reserve dismissal for where discovery is futile, but court could have allowed limited discovery here. Majority is asking for an evidentiary standard, not a pleading standard.

      2. Ashcroft v. Iqbal (U.S. 2009): Π was arrested after 9/11. Sued in Bivens action against jailors and Attorney General. 2d Cir. upheld claim on ground that Twombly only applied to antitrust cases. Since Π did not have sufficient factual matter to state a plausible claim for relief (that, e.g., Ashcroft knew anything), dismissed.

      3. Conley v. Gibson (U.S. 1957): black Πs did not specify all facts of discrimination, but this is okay because they may learn more through discovery.

      4. Swierkiewicz v. Sorema, NA (U.S. 2002, 174): Π was demoted in favor of French guy and sued under Title VII. His complaint was dismissed for failing to satisfy the evidentiary burden of Title VII claims, but should have been allowed until at least summary judgment.

      5. United States v. Board of Harbor Commissioners (D. Del. 1977, 128): a simple claim alleging that Δ’s dumping of chemicals into the harbor was illegal was fair enough to notify Δ of claim against them.

  2. Summons – U.S. Const. amends. V, XIV; FRCP 4

    1. Synthesized Rule/Procedure

      1. Within 120 days of filing the complaint, Π must serve Δ or notify and receive from Δ a waiver of service.

      2. Δ has 30 days to respond to waiver request. If yes, 60 days to answer complaint; if no, 21 days and costs.

    2. Textual Rule

      1. Due Process: state/federal deprivations of life/liberty/property require due process. U.S. Const. amends. V, XIV.

      2. Contents: must include the name of the court and parties and be directed to Δ. FRCP 4(a).

      3. The Clerk: must sign, seal, and issue the summons to the Π if properly completed. FRCP 4(b).

      4. Service: must be made with a copy of the complaint to the Δ, [but not by Π herself] FRCP 4(c).

      5. Waiver of Service: Π may ask Δ to waive service. Δ has 30 days to respond, and will get 60 days to answer complaint. Otherwise, Δ must pay costs of service, and only gets 21 days. FRCP 4(d); 12(A)(i).

      6. Completion: may be completed however state law of court or service governs, or by delivery personally to Δ, leaving at Δ’s home, or with an authorized agent. FRCP 4(e).

        1. Service of Corporation/Partnership/Ass’n: however state law governs, or by delivery to an officer or managing agent; if outside U.S., like a foreign individual. FRCP 4(h).

      7. Supplemental Bulge: when the court can’t serve FRCP 14 or 19 Θ in-state, service is okay within 100 miles of where summons was issued. FRCP 4(k)(1)(B).

      8. Timeline: Δ must be served within 120 days of filing the complaint, or court must:

        1. dismiss the claim without...

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