Oklahoma Administrative Law
Substantive Powers
Enabling statute specified the powers of the agency.
Agency can only exercise the substantive powers granted to it by the enabling statute
Procedural Principles
Oklahoma Administrative Procedures Act (OAPA) provides uniform procedures for administrative agencies when the enabling statute is silent on this
Relationship Btwn Legislature & Agency
Source of Power: Delegation
Legislature delegates power it would otherwise have to the agency
An agency then has
"quasi-legislative" power to adopt rules and regulations
Executive power to enforce rules & regulations
"quasi-judicial" power to apply rules & regulations in individual cases
Delegation Limits
The enabling statute must avoid unfettered agency discretion in exercise of its powers
Standard cannot be too vague, but courts are liberal in construing the statute as long as it is not "standard-less"
OAPA Overview
Article I establishes procedures agencies must follow to adopt agency rules
It controls the "quasi-legislative" functions of the agency
Article II: establishes the notice & hearing requirements for individual adjudications before the agencies
It controls the "quasi-judicial" functions of the agency
OAPA applies to AGENCIES, defined
Any "constitutionally or statutorily created (look for if it says "State Board")
State board,
Public Trust in which State is Beneficiary
Interstate commission
"Agency" does not include
Legislature or any branch, committee or officer thereof
The courts or any arm there of, ie. the OBA & its committees
School Districts
Other agencies of local government
Applies even where is an agency under OAPA they are exempt from certain provisions:
OK Corp Commission (OCC) is exempt from the notice of proposed rulemaking provisions of Art I
OCC, Commission for Human Services, OK Tax Commission are not required to comply with Art II provisions for individual proceedings
Article I
Rule Making Process
"RULE" means any agency statement of general applicability and future effect that implements, interprets, or prescribes law or policy or describes the procedure or practice requirements of the agency
Proposed Rule
Agency required to maintain a rulemaking record for each rule
Notice to the Public of Intended Rulemaking
Agency must provide notice of proposed rule to public
Notice published in Oklahoma Register
Summarize proposed rule
Announce minimum 30 day comment period
Announce public hearing scheduled at least 30 days after publication OR announce how people can demand hearing
Say how people can get copy of proposed rule and the Rule Impact Statement
Request comments from possible impacted businesses
Public Comment & Hearing
Public Comment must be allowed for anyone for at least 30 days post notice
Public Hearing, in not announced, may be demanded by:
10 or more people
A political subdivision
Or Association w/ 25 or more members
If hearing properly demanded agency MUST schedule oral hearing on proposed rule & give at least 30 days notice
Adopted Rule
After agency review public comments and such it adopts the rule
Need still be reviewed by governor or legislature
Review of Rule by Governor
W/in 10 days after agency adopt rule, must send gov. a copy & agency Rule Report
Governor has 45 days to approve or disapprove in writing
If fail approve in 45 days, deemed disapproved
If disapproved, rule can be valid till approved by joint resolution by legislature
Review by Legislature
W/in 10 days of agency adoption, must send rule & rule report to legislature
Active: legislature has 30 days to review and approve in whole or part by vote
Passive: can inactively approve by remaining in session for 30 days after submission w/o voting on it
Deemed approved
Fees: Any rule that establishes or increases fees must be approved by legislature by joint resolution. Deemed disapproved if fail approve rule on or before last day of legislative session
Legislature may disapprove rule w/in the 30 legislative day review period
If disapprove rule, by concurrent resolution the rule invalid regardless of any action by governor (effect is a veto of gov)
Final Rule
Considered "finally adopted" upon approval both by Governor and legislature, or in some cases upon approval by legislature
Promulgated Rule
W/in 30 days after rule finally adopted, agency files rule w/ Office of Secretary of State responsible for printing Oklahoma Register and OK Administrative Code
"Finally Adopted" rule considered "promulgated" upon publication in OK Register
If conflict between final adopted & published, then Published Rule controls
Effective Date of Promulgated Rule
Finally adopted rule is effective 10 days after publication in OK Register (unless later date required or specified)
Emergency Rulemaking
Promulgation of Emergency Rules
Agency submit to governor "substantial evidence" that rule is necessary as an emergency measure to:
Protect public health, safety, welfare;
Avoid serious prejudice to public interest; or
Similar reasons
Substantial Evidence= credible evidence of sufficient quality and probative value to enable person of reasonable caution to support a conclusion
Departure from Standard Rulemaking Process
Notification to public is OPTIONAL
No demand allowed
Must submit emergency rule & impact statement to gov. and leg. w/in 10 days after rule adopted
Gov must approve or disapprove w/in 45 days & find agency has met the "substantial evidence" requirement
Emergency Rule considered "promulgated" upon approval of gov. and is effective IMMEDIATELY upon gov approval
Duration of Emergency Rule
Effective from date of gov approval through July 14 following the next regular legislative session unless superseded by another rule or disapproved by legislature.
Challenging Rulemaking
Substantive Challenge: Validity of rule can be challenged on ground that it is beyond the authority delegated to the agency
Procedural Challenge: validity of rule can be challenged on ground that agency did not follow the Article I rulemaking procedure
Judicial Review: Validity & Applicability of Rule
OAPA includes rule of "non-exhaustion" of administrative remedies
OAPA expressly provides that a declaratory judgment concerning validity or applicability of a rule may be rendered whether or not the challenging party has requested the agency to pass on the validity or applicability of the rule
Declaratory Judgment Action
Type of Action:
Validity or Applicability of a rule may be determined in an action for DECLARATORY JUDGMENT
District Court of County of residence of person seeking relief OR in County where rule would be applied
Parties & Burdens:
Agency MUST be a party to the action & agency has burden to show rule valid
Ie. that agency has authority to issue promulgate rule, its consistent w/ article I, etc.)
Standard of Review:
OAPA provides standards of review for judicial review of agency adjudications under Art. II but not for rulemaking under Art. I
Challenge on agency rule presents question of law that reviewing court decides independently using non-deferential de novo standard
Impact of Non-Compliance w/ Art. I Procedure
General penalty for failure to promulgate rule in accordance w/ Art. I is:
Rule is not valid or effective against any person or party, nor may such rule be invoked by agency for any purpose
Alternative to Declaratory Relief
Can wait for individual enforcement action & raise these issues w/in context of that action
Article II: Individual Proceedings & Exercise of Agency's Quasi-Judicial Power
Right to Individual Proceeding
Will depend on if Enabling statute of agency requires an individual proceeding before it can issue an order or if no such authorization, by procedural due process
Nature of Proceeding
If enabling statute creates a right to an individual proceeding, but doesn’t specify the procedure, then Article II of OAPA gives the proper procedure.
OAPA Art II Guidelines for Individual Proceedings
Notice & Hearing
Notice: All parties must be given notice including;
Time, place & nature of hearing
Legal authority & jurisdiction under which hearing to be held
Reference to the statute & rules involved
Short & plain statement of matters asserted or proposed adverse action
Procedure: All parties must be given chance to:
Respond & present evidence
Cross-examine on all issues
Findings of fact must be based exclusively on the evidence received & matters officially noticed
Right to have counsel
Presiding Official: May be conducted by:
Board or commission
Hearing officer appointed by...