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The Scope Of National Power - Constitutional Law

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  1. Theory of enumerated federal power

    1. Congress may act only when there is express or implied authority to act in the Constitution.

      1. 10th amendment: US is a government of limited power

      2. The fact of enumeration in Art. I indicates that the government has limited power

    2. Constitutional requirement for federal legislation

      1. Is the legislation within at least one of the enumerated powers, i.e. A. I §8?

      2. Does the statute violate some constitutional constraint, in particular an individual right, i.e. Amend. 1-10, A. I §9?

  2. State power

    1. Only the state has police power that allows the state to adopt any law not prohibited by the constitution

  3. Reasons for federal regulations (instead of State regulation)

    1. interstate externalities (pollution)

    2. state protectionism

    3. unfair competition: State race the bottom “Prisoner’s dilemma”

    4. uniformity

    5. effectiveness in federal enforcement

  1. Art. I § 8 “Congress shall have the power… [t]o regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States, and with the Indian Tribes….”

  2. Why is CC the main source of federal regulatory power

    1. Cl. 1 is not a general welfare power, so Congress needs to regulate this issue through the commerce clause.

      1. A. I §8 cl. 1

        1. Wide reading: Provide for general welfare (if cl.1 is wide, the rest of A. I is meaningless)

        2. Narrow reading: tax and spend so as to provide for the general welfare

  3. Varying views regarding the Commerce Clause

    1. Initially, Gibbons, the SC adopted an expansive view of the scope of the commerce clause.

      1. The power to regulate interstate commerce is complete in itself, may be exercised to its utmost extent, and acknowledges no limitations other than are prescribed by the constitution.

      2. Activity outside commerce power if it’s an intrastate activity, AND does not extend to or affect other states.

      3. Activity inside commerce power if it’s interstate activity, OR affects other states.

    2. Pre-1937 cases: The predominant approach during the early twentieth century used formalistic doctrine to limit the power of the federal government to regulate under the Commerce Clause.

Direct effect (formalistic approach)

Proof: text of CC

No manufacturing

Functional approach (affect interstate commerce)

(Adler) Permissible where there are some good reasons for federal regulation.


Original intent

The very creation of federal body means it has the duty to regulate things with good reasons

Regulate means affect, change, not just directly control

Hammer 1918 p. 177, child labor Gibbons p. 173, water license
Schechter 1935 p. 196, chicken Shreveport Railway Rate case p. 191 intrastate activities that affect interstate commerce
Carter coal 1936 p. 198, coal mining Stafford v. Wallace p. 192 stream of commerce idea
Champion p. 193 lottery case (only case where government wins)
EC Knight p. 190 suger manufacture
  1. 1937-1995: more expansive view of the Commerce Clause

    1. National Labor Relations Board v. Jones & Laughlin: Congress can regulate any activity that has a significant effect on interstate commerce whether direct or indirect.

    2. United States v. Darby: Fair Labor Standards Act. Substantial effect test: Congress’s power to regulate interstate commerce extends to those intrastate activities that affect interstate commerce.

    3. Wickard v. Filburn: Aggregation principle: does the class of activities regulated have substantial effect on interstate commerce?

  2. After 1995, since Lopez, SC struck down some federal statutes. The modern CC is:

    1. Congress may regulate under CC (Lopez):

      1. channels of interstate commerce (Direct effect);

      2. instrumentalities of interstate commerce, or persons or things in interstate commerce, even though the threat may come only from intrastate activities (stream of commerce: destruction of aircraft, theft from interstate shipment, Southern Railway); and

      3. activities that have a substantial effect interstate commerce: substantial effect(Darby) + Wickard aggregation + rational basis (Raich)

        1. rational basis for finding such activity affects commerce+ commercial: likely to uphold

        2. rational basis + noncommercial: more suspicious

    2. For non-commercial activities, may regulate if

      1. Jurisdictional element: no possession of gun that has moved interstate (Atlanta motel, restaurant purchase food from interstate)

      2. Essential part of a statute that regulates economic activity

      3. findings that the activities affect interstate commerce

      4. Activities rather than inactivities (Sebelius)

  1. Art. I § 8 “Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes, duties, imposts and excises, to pay the debts and provide for the common defense and general welfare of the United States, but all duties, imposts and excises shall be uniform throughout the United States. ”

  2. Congress has broad authority to tax and spend for the general welfare. (Butler)

  3. Objective test: do not examine subjective motive

    1. Does it really raise some revenue? Very lenient test

      1. Regulatory tax rather than revenue is unconstitutional (Bailey, Wallace, Constantine)

    2. Are provisions extraneous to any tax need?

  4. Specific constraints on taxes:

    1. direct taxes (limited to real property tax) must be apportioned. Art. I §9, Amendment 16

    2. taxes must be uniform

  1. Art. I § 8. Broad power (Butler)

  2. Test: restrictions to the spending power:

    1. the exercise of the spending power must be in pursuit of the general welfare. (defer to the judgment of Congress) = is there good reason for federal spending (Adler)?

    2. if Congress desires to condition the State’s (NOT individual’s) receipt of federal funds, it must be clear. (Individual’s condition can be ambiguous).

    3. Germaneness. Related to the federal interest in particular national projects or programs. Assign a purpose to a statue, and test if the spending is related to this purpose.

    4. Other constitutional provisions may provide an independent bar to the conditional grant of federal funds.

  3. Coercion can be found if

    1. When there are some kinds of independent entitlement (take back money already have), but future funds are not independent entitlement

    2. Incentives are not coercive

  1. Five part test in Comstock

    1. whether the statute constitutes a means that is rationally related to the implementation of a constitutionally enumerated power.

    2. Whether it’s a modest addition to a set of federal statutes that have existed for many decades

    3. Whether the statute reasonably extends its original civil-commitment system

    4. Whether the statute properly accounts for state interests and accommodates state interests.

    5. Whether the links between the statute and an enumerated power are not too attenuated

  1. Commandeering

    1. doctrinal: what is commandeering?

      1. NY: state legislature

      2. Printz: state enforcement officials

Regulation of private activity (individuals, firms) – not commandeering Federal law directly addressed to state

“Every firm that produces low level waste must comply with following standards”

Radioactivity, workers safety – CC

“Every firm that produces low level waste must have disposal site within 500 miles” – CC

“Every firm that produces low level waste must have disposal within a state” - CC

Federal Commerce power to regulate individual activities (including geographic terms, miles, state lines)

“Every firm that produces low level waste must comply with following standards, any conflicting or additional state law requirement is null and void” – CC, Supremacy Clause

Preemption power, not commandeering

“State receipt of money on condition that state legislature enacts the following statute regulating low level waste” – permissible conditional spending up to the limit of Dole

“Unless the state legislature enacts the following statute regulating low level waste, all commercial production of low level waste from private firms is prohibited” - conditional preemption/ regulation is permissible: federal government refrains from permissible federal regulation of private activity or preemption of state law on condition that state legislature do sth (Steward, New York).

“Legal requirement that state legislature enact the following statute.” – not permissible; commandeering: federal directive to state legislature imposing legal requirement to enact state legislation

Congress does not have power directly to compel states officers to enact or enforce a federal regulatory program.

FG: all employers (private and state) must comply with the following wage requirement. All workplaces (public-public) must take steps to…

Federal government, within the commerce power, can pass generally applicable laws that include the states, (Garcia) as long as it’s within the enumerated powers.

FG: Federal cause of action can be heard either in federal or state court. not commandeering: exception for state judges: 1. Can be required to adjudicate federal offenses, or 2. Federal causes of actions (Testa v. Katt, supremacy clause)

FG: State officials shall not enforce preempted state laws. Not commandeering (Printz)

  1. Interpretation: constitutional basis

    1. 10 A constitutes additional state sovereignty constraints: federal law can be unconstitutional even if it falls within the enumerated powers if it violates state sovereignty

    2. Original intent

    3. Reading constitution as a whole, states are sovereign, and commandeering violates this sovereignty.

  2. State sovereignty

Limited Autonomous political communities
  • Supremacy clause

  • Federal government gets authority from people

  • Direct review of state courts...

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