I: Fundamental Rights: Early Applications
Barnette (1943) after Gobitis (1940): Reversing on Pledge of Allegiance for Jehovah’s Witnesses.
Free religion vs. free speech (Barnette)
Supreme court as bad teacher…
Overview: Slaughterhouse: The path not taken. Lochner: The beginning of fundamental rights under DP, and scares the court. When law hits unevenly, turned to EP > DP. But when not available, finally move back to DP in Griswold |
Slaughterhouse (1873): First time construing 14A.
Statute: Monopoly of slaughterhouse under state law.
Plaintiff claims P&I, EP, DP, 13A… b/c Denied labor in chosen field.
Miller: Purpose of Reconstruction Amendments is Race.
Efforts to use P&I unavailing – meant to overrule Dred Scott. Nothing more
State issue here, not federal.
Reconstruction Amendments not reorder state vs. federal power
(Court being gun shy after Dred Scott?)
End of P&I strength.
Could have done the work of incorporation better than DP?
Barron v. Baltimore: (1833) Bill of Rights to Federal government only
Palko Cardozo: Scheme of ordered liberty, fundamental rights…
Black v. FFF: Adamson
Black: Total incorporation, no judicial discretion.
FFF: Selective incorporation: Canons of decency/fairness
TODAY: All but jury usage have been incorporated.
Plus 3A Quartering and 8A Excessive Fines
McDonald v. Chicago (2010): 2A Incorporation
Alito and Stevens debate on substantive DP.
Alito: All about 2A and Heller a fundamental right. Did Heller incorporate?
Stevens dissents: This is about substantive DP; is this a fundamental right?
(Relitigating merits of Heller without stating so)
Thomas concurs: supports overturning Slaughterhouse and Cruikshank. Should apply through P&I clause of 14A.
Scalia concurs: Substantive DP, but do it in historical way. Stevens is making it up as he goes along. Originalism: the lesser evil.
Lochner (1905): state law limiting hours for bakers struck down 5-4.
Peckham: Liberty of contract.
Police Power: health of public, morals, etc.
Holden v. Hardy (1898): Mining safety laws OK. But baking is safer.
Not need paternalistic laws; labor regulation masquerading as health regulation.
(Anti-immigration sentiment? Discriminating against small bakeries? Price goes up – bad for consumers?)
Harlan: Quotes all kinds of stats, not from briefs.
Holmes: Lots of things legislatures can do.
Reasonable minds can differ; court shouldn’t jump to conclusions.
[Compare with Carter Coal]
Why is it in the anti-canon? Maybe not as bad as Korematsu or Dred Scott?
Stand in for the early new deal laws being struck down.
But court more active today
Insufficiently connected to the text of Constitution?
But there are lots of unenumerated rights – Griswold
“False equality”
But unequal bargaining power?
Mis-prioritazation of rights
Very narrow perception of state’s role in protecting citizens
Hatred a relic of a bygone era?
Lochner Era
Note: Not invalidate all laws. (E.g. Holden)
Labor regulations for women/children much more likely to be upheld.
Muller v. Oregon (1908): Regulation of hours for women ok.
Brandeis Brief: scientific data on implications for childbirth
Adkins v. Children’s Hospital (1923): No minimum wage for women.
PROF: Why maximum hours but not minimum wage?
West Coast Hotel v. Parrish (1937)
No freedom of contract; end of Lochner era
Unequal bargaining power; more realistic account of relationship
Overturns Adkins.
New moment in time – people and legislatures change.
Lee Optical (1955): Douglas goes out of his way to use DP.
Rational Basis
End of Economic substantive due process.
II: Fundamental Rights: Fundamental Rights Equal Protection
Skinner v. Oklahoma (1942): Prefer EP > DP
Statute: 3 felonies of moral turpitude -> Sterilization
(8A not yet incorporated until 1962)
Not want to use DP, so uses EP: treats different kinds of criminals differently.
** Test for fundamental rights under EP: Strict Scrutiny.
What is the suspect classification? Class?
Stone concurs: Does DP analysis. Wants more process to interfere with such a basic right.
Due Process, not substantive.
[Today: Could be DP not EP – see Griswold and Roe)
Harper v. Virginia Board of Elections (1966): 6-3 invalidates poll tax in state elections
24A forbids in federal elections
Douglas: Strict Scrutiny applies, cites Skinner
“No relation to wealth” – sounds like Rational Basis?
** Living Constitutionalism: NOT original meaning of 14A, since they DID have poll taxes back the!
Not constrained to historical notions (compare Plessy -> Brown)
Lassiter: literacy test under rational basis OK.
Black & Harlan both dissent: Have long applied rational basis.
Black: Stare decisis. New meanings come from amendments, not living constitutionalism.
Could court have let this be? Was on its way out anyway?
[Strong originalist argument that could be made here]
Summary of EP/DP Fundamental Rights Analysis: Fundamental Right: so important that affords protection even though not in Constitution.
Voting as a fundamental right
Bush v. Gore (2000): The opposite Cooper v. Aaron; no justice wants to sign his/her name. 5-4 per curiam.
Glaringly worrisome sentence: “our consideraiotn limited to present circumstances because many complexities.”
Language of the opinion to sweeping otherwise – would force uniformity of voting procedures everywhere, which isn’t the case.
Majority: Rehnquist, Thomas, Scalia, Kennedy, O’C.
Likely a Kennedy opinion: “Dignity” etc.
Scalia and Thomas skeptical of expansive definition of right.
Dissent: Suddenly the liberals stand up for federalism.
(Ginsburg’s footnote; Scalia asks her to remove…)
Stevens: Never know the winner of the election, but the loser is clear: Judge as impartial.
Access to Justice
Griffin v. IL (1956): State must provide free trial transcript for purposes of appeal under 14A.
“NO equal justice if the trial a man gets depends on money” – But of course it does…
Douglas (1963): If going to grant appellate counsel, cannot discretionarily do it when it would be “helpful”
PROF: Goes farther than Griffin. Providing an affirmative right [Gideon]. Giving right to attorney – DP?
Not extended to other cases
Boddie v. CT (1971): $60 to sue for divorce not ok under DP.
State has monopoly on marriage/divorce
PROF: is this a fundamental right?
Sosna v. Iowa (1975): 1 year residence requirement for divorce OK.
State’s interest in divorce/family; not an absolute bar, just a year.
Dunn v. Blumstein (1972): Cannot have a 1 year requirement for voting. EP and strict scrutiny.
Knas (??): Bankrupcy fee OK
Ortwein v. Schwab (1973): Appellate fee for welfare appeal ok
M.L.B. v. S.L.J. (1996): Breathes new life into Boddie
May not block indigent’s right to contest parental rights because of inability to pay fees.
Right to Travel
Where does it come from?
Shapiro v. Thomson (1969):
One nation - more perfect union in the preamble
What about the dormant commerce clause?
This is about welfare benefits, which is uniquely within a state's purview
Exception to dormant commerce clause - role of Congress
Several suggestions in the opinion that Congress has blessed this state action
Harlan -abolishing residency reqs will prevent states from undertaking progressive welfare benefits, etc
Laboratories of society
End of Warren's tenure - surprising in dissent
Informed by experience as Governor - has thought about budget
Case has very big impact on jurisprudence - durational residency requirements date back forever
Saenz v. Roe (1999): cannot limit welfare benefits for newly arrived residents.
Applies Equal Protection: States need not provide welfare, but if they do must be provided equally.
A “throwback statute”
Dandridge v. Williams (1970): Upholds cap on aid to families with dependent children
Economic regulation, rational basis test. EP?
Invalidating this measure could take court into realm of deciding exactly how much is enough to live on
Punishing children for the actions of their parents?
See also Moreno
San Antonio v. Rodriguez (1973): EP, disparities in school funding not a violation.
TX law capped property taxes, certain district can't raise as much money for schools
Powell: Wealth as suspect classification cases unavailing because anyone can live anywhere
no fundamental right for education
Concern for local control over schools - recall Lopez
Could say court is getting out of judicial activism on schools - busing, etc, unpopular
But how closely is education associated with other fundamental right?
But what does equality mean in the context of education? Should students from poor areas get more money?
But what about on a national level?
Effect of this case is to remove school funding cases to state courts, which are more likely to uphold equality of funding
End of Warren Court era?
Plyler v. Doe (1982): EP not allow Texas to...