Separation of Powers
Courts & Executive
Should there be a non-justiciable political question?
Should court try to resolve these complicated issues?
Should the court let other brances resolve the issues and not enter?
Think about how the cases fit into the 14A…
Youngstown Sheet & Tube Co. v. Sawyer (1952)
(Recall Marbury and declining advisory opinions; tone of S. Ct. to Prez)
6-3 Decision. Korean war, and steel mill strike
Taft-Hartley bill rejected an amendment to give president emergency powers.
Court on accelerated timeline: April 9 Strike -> May Argument -> June 2 decision
Black Majority: 2 possible statutes but Truman used neither. No implied power for executive to seize private property during war time..
Formalist interpretation of executive power and constitution.
FFF Concurrence: more flexible account of constitutional interpretation.
Could be a “gloss” on Constitution if Congress hadn’t been so explicit in rejecting the possibility.
Jackson: Masterpiece of Constitutional law.
Functionalist, not formalist.
Judging calls for judgment.
Tri-parthied theory:
(1) Cases in which the President was acting with express or implied authority from Congress
(2) Cases in which Congress had thus far been silent
(3) Cases in which the President was defying congressional orders
Here, president acts with the lowest level of legitimacy.
(PROF: Could arguably be #1 or #2 because Congress said nothing, and Truman asked)
Queasy about undeclared wars.
Points to other countries’ systems. Worried about power grabs by executive.
CJ Vinson Dissents: rejects “messenger boy” theory of executive power. Sees Truman in Jackson’s category #2.
United States v. Nixon (1974): 8-0 opinion
Criminal case, subpoena on President Nixon. Claims executive privilege (Aids have to be honest/open in their job)
Branches cannot share power: the judiciary and executive have explicit domains. [Is that actually true?]
Executive privilege not in Constitution, but relates to executive’s power and can be Constitutionally based
Is it absolute or qualified? Subject to judicial review?
Marbury: Branches have obligation to Constitution, Judiciary must uphold Due Process and Criminal Process
Executive must follow the law.
Echoes of Youngstown – speed & zealousness of the Court. Congressional impeachment was ongoing.
Should Court play referee on political questions?
Stood up to the president.
Should President be at the whim of a District Court?
Nixon v. Fitzgerald (1982): 5-4
President is immune from civil liability based on his official acts; not immune from Criminal liability.
Clinton v. Jones (1997): Unanimous
Supreme Court not grant a delay of a civil case on issues from before he took office.
Wouldn’t affect President’s job
Is that true?
Reconciling these two:
maybe Fitzgerald and Clinton are both wrongly decided?
Active vs. retired president
Clinton eligible for Anti-canon? An obtuse quality to say “Oh, he’s just a president”
Do Courts treat Congress vs. Prez controversies different than Prez v. Judiciary?
Article II § 4: High crimes and misdemeanors
Crimes: Treason, Bribery, HC/D.
What is treason? Gerald Ford: “Whatever the House of Representatives wants.”
Article 1 § 203: House/Senate
Non-delegation Doctrine
Congress cannot delegate legislative ability to other branches. Any branch cannot delegate their power to any other branch.
Issues of accountability and checks and balances.
1935: the only two non-delegation doctrine cases ever. (Schechter Poulty + Panama Refining)
Huge growth of administrative state
Clinton v. City of New York (1998): The line item veto not OK.
President impermissibly modifying legislation. Can only sign or reject.
Scalia Dissents: majority too caught up in the word “veto”
PROF: Surprising. Functional interpretation of the Constitution here.
INS v. Chadha (1983):
House can veto stays of deportation
CJ Burger: Formalist opinion: House of Representatives is changing the laws unilaterally.
Powell Concurs: Separation of powers issue.
White Dissents: Functionalist opinion: “All legislative vetoes are bad” holding disrupts a lot of laws. Government is getting bigger and must be flexible.
Severability: Can courts do a line-item veto just like they said they couldn’t in Clinton or Chadha?
War: How is it defined? Should it be a political question? Relationship between Congress and Executive in declaring war? How specific/implicit can a declaration of war be?
Hamdi v. Rumsfeld (2004)
US citizen in Afghanistan caught with a weapon.
Q1: IS detainment of a US citizen permissible?
Scalia dissenting: Congress has not suspended the writ of habeas corpus, so should be tried under normal conditions.
Thomas dissenting: President...