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Law Outlines Criminal Law Outlines

Proportionality Outline

Updated Proportionality Notes

Criminal Law Outlines

Criminal Law

Approximately 94 pages

Criminal Law with Professor Rachel Barkow at NYU School of Law.

This is a synthesis of all topics in a fall 2019 class, Criminal Law at NYU School of Law. My notes consist of the important elements of each doctrine, the unsettled areas, and policy justifications....

The following is a more accessible plain text extract of the PDF sample above, taken from our Criminal Law Outlines. Due to the challenges of extracting text from PDFs, it will have odd formatting:


8th amendment requires proportionality (majority view)

  • Scalia/alito/thomas disagrees: 8A prohibits types of punishments, but no length of prison is too long

Individual challenge test (Ewing)

  1. Compare crime and the sentence and must find gross disproportionality

  2. See if there is a rational basis for believing sentence serves one of the four purposes of punishment, if so, not grossly disproportionate

  3. Compare sentence with sentence of other crimes in the same jx, or sentence or same crimes in diff jx

  • Difficult to satisfy:

    • Prosecutor can easily come up with a purpose in step two

Categorical challenge test (Graham)

  1. Look at objective indicia of society's standards

    1. Legislation

    2. Actual sentences

  1. Look at standards of precedents and court's understanding/interpretation of 8A

    1. Culpability of the offender class (juveniles)

    2. Seriousness of the offense (nonhomicide)

    3. Nature of punishment (LWOP)

    4. Whether punishment serves penological goals

    • Some also look to what other countries do

  • This test has been used to eliminate categories -

    • Sentencing juvenile to LWOP for nonhomicide

      • Juveniles have lessened culpability

      • Courts cannot distinguish incorrigible juvenile offenders with those capable of change

      • Incentivizes juveniles to demonstrate maturity and reform

    • Sentencing juveniles to mandatory LWOP for homicides

Summary: 8A prohibits grossly disproportionate sentences compared to crime

Individual challenge – Ewing Categorical challenge – Graham

Challenging terms of year sentence in individual case

  1. Compare crime and sentence and must see grossly disproportionality

  2. See if...

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